Happy sleigh day 🛷

This quote sums up so much writing advice I’ve read which basically says “Write a lot” and sometimes adds “Oh and read a lot too” before moving on to endless promotion tactics. I wish more writing advice contained actually advice on writing.

Today is World Sketchnote Day! A day to celebrate this fun note taking format.

I decided to release my latest sketchnote book summary early for today (it’s on The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman which I picked up as a cure for imposter syndrome).

I hope you like it.

Sure Twitter has problems…but sometimes you find that people called God “PeePee” due to trying to express Hebrew letters in Greek.

Starting a new sketchnote book summary. It’s ironic that I read it as it’s supposed to help with imposter syndrome and now I don’t really think I have imposter syndrome. So I guess it worked?

Have you set a yearly theme? Let me know what it is and I’ll make a phone wallpaper for it to remind you throughout the year. (Here’s mine)

Out the car window today.

What’s better than presents under the Christmas tree?

Sunday meditation

New profile picture?