Category: Photos
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My family went to a local Alpaca park this weekend. How was your weekend?
Sidenote: I really love using a mirrorless camera even if i missed a few images due to manual focusing — it’s an old lens.
Took me a while, but I finally finished my sketchnote summary of Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer.
Earlier this year I read Gospel Allegiance by Matthew W Bates. It argues that the greek word we frequently translate as “Faith” might be best understood as Allegiance (even though Bates acknowledges that Pistis means faith/faithfulness/trust. This was a detail I missed in my first reading but caught when preparing the sketchnote.) The standout parts are where he breaks down Paul’s explanation of the Gospel in 1 Corinthians and explaining how works are necessary.
I really enjoyed making this one, mainly because I love any excuse to use a gold leaf layer in procreate.