🔗 The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Your Writing)

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Your Writing) Go a week without

• very • rather • really • quite • so • of course • in fact

Benjamine Dreyer on Twitter Thought I’d share this as well to go along with that last bit of writing advice. “Of course” is one of those zombie phrases that still rises from my fingers no matter how many times I try to kill it… but that’s what editing is for…of course.

🎥 Why We Still Love Film: Analog Photography in the Digital Age | NBC Left Field

🎥 Why We Still Love Film: Analog Photography in the Digital Age | NBC Left Field
As someone who still shoots film (on multiple cameras) I loved this. The production is top-notch and features some of my favourite YouTubers. I also love the contrast with this week’s ATP where they said that downloading images off an SD card is too slow (although I kind of understand that frustration). Now I’d better take my last rolls of film to the local developer and get out a new one.

🔗 Dark Patterns Website

Dark Patterns Website

Dark Patterns are tricks used in websites and apps that make you do things that you didn’t mean to, like buying or signing up for something. The purpose of this site is to spread awareness and to shame companies that use them.

I’m sure you’ve seen examples of this on the web. Some mild ones are the “Accept” button being clear and bold while the “decline” button is greyed out, hard to tell it is a button and not where you expect it should be.

I decided to revisit my old photoblog and start doing something a bit different. On the farm.

🔗 Fiona Hill, Boris Johnson and the tyranny of the plummy British accent - FT

Fiona Hill, Boris Johnson and the tyranny of the plummy British accent - from the Financial Times

Accent discrimination is standard in Britain. In a poll by ComRes and ITV in 2013, 28 per cent reported experiencing it. Recruiters favour the 3 per cent of Britons who speak “the Queen’s English”, says Lance Workman, psychologist at the University of South Wales.

How 10 Famous Artists Would Plate Thanksgiving Dinner - Colossal

How 10 Famous Artists Would Plate Thanksgiving Dinner

In this fun series of photos titled Thanksgiving Special, San Francisco-based artist Hannah Rothstein imagines Thanksgiving dinners as plated by famous artists throughout history.

How Ryan Holiday Reads - YouTube

🎥 How Ryan Holiday Reads - YouTube

When I see a copy of one of my books and it’s filled with notes, highlighters and folded pages, that doesn’t hurt my feelings as an author, that’s like the highest praise you can give a book.

I love little looks behind a writer’s life and approach like this.

  1. Read and highlight (add bookmarks)
  2. Put notes on notecards

🔗 Desirable difficulties — Wikipedia

🔗 Desirable difficulties from Wikipedia

A desirable difficulty is a learning task that requires a considerable but desirable amount of effort, thereby improving long-term performance. The term was first coined by Robert A. Bjork in 1994. As the name suggests, desirable difficulties should be both desirable and difficult. Research suggests that while difficult tasks might slow down learning initially, the long term benefits are greater than with easy tasks. However, to be desirable, the tasks must also be accomplishable.

This concept came up in Range: Why generatlists trumph in a specialized world.

🔗 There are six seasons instead of four — Kottke

🔗 Kurt Vonnegut quoted by Jason Kottke

Here is the truth about the seasons: Spring is May and June. What could be springier than May and June? Summer is July and August. Really hot, right? Autumn is September and October. See the pumpkins? Smell those burning leaves? Next comes the season called Locking. November and December aren’t winter. They’re Locking. Next comes winter, January and February. Boy! Are they ever cold!

What comes next? Not spring. ‘Unlocking’ comes next. What else could cruel March and only slightly less cruel April be? March and April are not spring. They’re Unlocking.

Seems to work for Poland as well.

🔗 Humans.fyi - A website all about personal websites designed by humans A very cool site with some personal website design inspiration…I wish I could make stuff like this.