Day off with the kids.

A vegan Birthday lunch with my wife. Very tasty.

Find and replace.

New stickers for the laptop cover. Thanks micro camp.

I’m a protestant but I love icons. I found this beautiful one on instagram and decided to make my own version in procreate. The original artist has a lot more detail! Fun experiment with textures though.

Had some fun making a Matisse style cutouts for this Matisse quote. “Creativity takes courage”.

A graphic showing the Matisse quote “Creativity takes Courage” with a cutout of Matisse in blue.

A quick visual of The Paradox of Choice. I have a trick for shopping for craft beer. I have a price limit and look for items on sale in my local shop. 90% of the time, that makes my decision for me. Otherwise I use the process I say in the post.

Struggling with something in my head today so mucking around in procreate and single line portraits (With extra layers for colour).

When you’re down on the south bank and have your iPad with you…

Hi from London.